Business School, Economic Development & One Sly Grin

So there I was, drinking coffee with a former professor and mentor of mine at Thompson Rivers University Business school, close to 10 years after Graduating with my MBA. After our usual sly digs at each other, we sat down to trade stories. The way I see it we are both a little “mad” when it comes to our chosen professions, but it is what drives us.… So there we were.
I told him a few stories from the trenches of public economic development, and a few business development challenges that arose from helping so many entrepreneurs start their companies in 4 different provinces across Canada. All told with a glossed over humour and long viewed lens that only time could provide. I have always felt that while entrepreneurial roadblocks can seem like the “end of business” while in the midst of them; given time, you can always find humour in those dark moments — Especially if you made it through them.